It’s a girl!

Lil’ Bit was born on 1/31/08 at 6:59pm. She was 7 lbs 14.4 oz and 19 inches long. If she had waited 5 more hours, she would have been born on her grandmother’s 50th b-day :). Oh well. The birth went perfectly! I had contractions 5 min apart or less for approximately 18 hours and […] Read more…

“I LIKE Being a Catholic”

In the last year, after my mini-meltdown, I started getting very into learning more about my religion.   After I got pregnant, I REALLY started trying to learn more about it.   I am a born & bred Catholic from birth (like my dear husband), but other than going to church & CCD & getting all my […] Read more…

generosity of family & friends

No longer the happy little homemaker (to be), I have officially been a homemaker for about a month now.    I absolutely love it, though I thought I would get more done in a day than I do :).    I don’t know how I would have survived the last month if I were still working!   NOTHING […] Read more…

It’s been awhile…

Things have been going well.   Right after I posted last, I was essentially comatose until July or August.     Then I spent July/August/September catching up on and getting ahead of stuff that I didn’t do because I was busy building a new person :). It’s been a great few months and DH and I have both […] Read more…

Pregnancy – the first 7 weeks

Well, things seem to be going fairly well (knock on wood).   I have most of the signs but all very mild.   The worst is that I feel like I spend more time sleeping than anything else and a 4 mile walk KILLS me. My favorite side effect is that I no longer fail the pencil […] Read more…

two pink lines = happy parents-to-be

We have officially determined that we pregnant.   We can’t have it confirmed until 7/2 when the Dr will look at all of his test, do the inspection and determine a due date.   As of now, this will officially be the baby update blog :). By our guess we are either 2 months along and looking […] Read more…

The weather is finally nice!!!

It’s finally been nice enough here in the last week that I have gone to bed exhausted nearly every night this week. On Tuesday night, Al & I walked downtown to get dinner and decided to walk down the “new” Boardman Lake Trail.   It’s a beautiful trail and we will definitely be going again. […] Read more…

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