Our daughter, Miss Lady-5 does not meet the cut-off to have been considered a kindergartener last year, but she was more than ready (and wanting) to begin Kindergarten level work in January. So we did. We also did the Kindergarten Memoria Press literature, science and enrichment last year.
This year, I looked at the Memoria Press Core Curriculum for first grade and she really isn’t quite there yet. We are really about 1/3 – 1/2 way through Kindergarten level math and reading. But we already did the Memoria Press Kindergarten books and I get bored easy :). This year, our plan looks like a bit of a hodge podge, instead of mostly Memoria Press.
Memoria Press First Grade Enrichment
We will be using the Memoria Press First Grade Enrichment Curriculum only. Or pieces of it anyway. I plan on using the literature, science and history book selections. The odds of doing anything else is slim to nil.
Song School Latin
Miss Lady loved Song School Spanish but there is only one of those (sniff sniff), so we will be moving on to Song School Latin I this year. I will be having her do all the workbook this year, probably mostly orally, either way, with help.
Foundations A
We are quite a ways through Foundations A (aff. link) and it is working just as well for Miss Lady-5 as it did for Bookworm-8 though they are very, VERY different little girls. I’m delighted to be using it again. I’m hoping to finish books A-C this year and maybe even start on D. We shall see.
Math U See Primer
This child LOVES her some math worksheets and I had a love for beauty in math come up for me a dozen times this year and so I made a change in Math. I’m hoping Math U See will be a good fit for us and she is starting with Primer after taking their placement test.
Everything Else
She will be working with us in our Morning Time work, which will consist of books, Song School Latin, and CCM – Gamma. We will also be doing some family study in geography using 50 States & Where They Are using the Holling C. Holling books, astronomy, nature study, and joining in D’Aulares Greek Myths with the third grader. And for fun she will be doing co-op classes, too. I’m hoping to focus on music and gym since we do plenty of literature at home.
Basically, she will be doing math, reading, and latin plus doing family work as she is able.
Do your children near the “cut-off” date for public school go up or down? Or do you not keep track of it?