*** This post originally appeared in December 2010 and has been modified to include additional information for the month. ***



I’m participating in the KEEP CHRIST in CHRISTMAS Blog Link-Up 2013

sponsored by the Catholic Bloggers Network.

Be sure to visit as many links as possible,

listed at the bottom of this post.



In the Catholic liturgical year, December is the month of the Immaculate Conception.  Commemorating the Feast of the Immaculate Conception this month is just one of the ways to Keep Christ in Christmas.  The Blessed Mother is ALWAYS pointing us to her son.   The Immaculate Conception is not, as I thought for so many years, the Immaculate Conception of Jesus, but the Immaculate Conception of his mother, Mary.   It represents God’s saving grace, in recognition of Mary’s complete submission to his will.


My favorite prayer to add to this month:

To the Virgin Immaculate

O Virgin Immaculate, Mother of God and my Mother, from thy sublime height turn upon me thine eyes of pity. Filled with confidence in thy goodness and knowing full well thy power, I beseech thee to extend to me thine assistance in the journey of life, which is so full of danger for my soul. And in order that I may never be the slave of the devil through sin, but may ever live with my heart humble and pure, I entrust myself wholly to thee. I consecrate my heart to thee for ever, my only desire being to love thy divine Son Jesus. Mary, none of thy devout servants has ever perished; may I too be saved. Amen.

Also, in the habit of praying without ceasing, you could add this to your day:

Aspiration to Mary

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Food & Fun

In our family, we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception by having an all white meal symbolizing the purity of Mary.   Over the years we have had the following types of meals.

Immaculate Conception Menu #1 –

  • Turkey
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Cauliflower
  • Rolls

Immaculate Conception Menu #2

  • Pasta Primavera — noodles, alfredo sauce, chicken and cauliflower
  • garlic bread or cheese garlic bread

Immaculate Conception Menu #3

  • Chicken
  • Rice
  • Cauliflower

Each of these could be made separately or in a stir-fry.  Both would be yummy!  In either case, I always end with a gingerbread cake.   The spices in the gingerbread are supposed to remind the reader of this passage in Sirach (Ecclesiasticus):

I gave a sweet smell like cinnamon and aromatical balm; I yielded a sweet odor like the best myrrh; and I perfumed my dwelling as store, and galbanum, and onyx, and aloes, and as the frankincense not cut, and my odor is as the purest balm.

What does your family do to commemorate the Immaculate Conception?

Jen S.




Visit more Catholic Blogs to see how they Keep Christ in Christmas here:

Equipping Catholic Families: Keep Christ in Christmas
Simply Homeschool  Living Advent Series 12/1 – 12/25
Fifth of Five     Keeping Christ in Christmas – Blog Link-up 2013
Coffee Moments with Sam     The Light of Hope
Hand-Maid With Love: CHRISTmas Presence: Keep Christ in Christmas 2013 Edition
Open Window Making hay while the Advent wreath shines
Faith Filled Freebies: Keep Christ in Christmas
Written by the Finger of God: Not Christmas as Usual
On the Way Home:  Keep Christ in Christmas
Sue Elvis Writes: Bring Christ to Others

Mommy Bares All       Why Celebrate Christmas Even After #YolandaPH
Canadian Catholic Mom         Keeping The Little Ones Focused: An Advent Link-Up
Mountain of Grace Homeschooling   Keep Christ in Christmas
Em’s Estuary: Keeping Christ in Christmas
Happy Little Homemaker: December Devotion: Immaculate Conception 
Adoro Ergo Sum:  How We Keep Christ in Christmas
JoyAlive.net: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Home to 4 Kiddos        Keep Christ in Christmas
Embedded Faith          Boldly Be the Christ in Christmas
City Girl, Country Home         Emmanuel Is With Us. Are we WITH HIM?

Journey to Wisdom: Trusting in your Awkward Fiats
Joy of Nine9    Waiting in Joyful Expectation Like a Child
Splendor in the Home Ideas For Keeping Advent and Christmas Holy
Training Happy Hearts            10 Ways to Celebrate the New Liturgical Year
A Catholic Life Advent: The Beginning of the Liturgical Year & Source of Rich Meditations
Designs by Birgit: Elf on a Shelf and Santa Claus
Catholic Inspired: Faith-Centered Family Christmas
A Slice of Smith Life: How we keep Christ in Christmas
Catholic All Year: Three Reasons I love Advent
Mary the Defender: Christmas The Battle Begins

Truly Rich Mom: Keep Christ in Christmas
Day By Day in Our World: 40 Days Seeking Him and Keeping Christ in Christmas
Diapers and Drivel: Keeping Christ in Christmas
Raising Soldiers 4 Christ: Keeping Christ in Christmas
Rosary Mom   Keep Christ In Christmas With A Teenager
Tercets     Keeping Christ in Christmas: Join Church Ministries
Campfires and Cleats How We Keep Christ in Christmas
Life Unabridged: Keep Christ in Christmas

Homeschooling With Joy        Keeping Christ in Christmas
Mrs Domestic Bliss     Gingerbread Nativity
The Chic Traveller      Keeping Christ in Christmas
California to Korea     Keeping Christ in Christmas
Dominique’s Desk       Keeping Christ in Christmas
Our ABC Life: An Advent Update





28 Comments on December Devotion – The Immaculate Conception

  1. Monica
    8 December 2013 at 11:40 PM (11 years ago)

    I love your menus for the Immaculate Conception Feastday! I think I have some great images and dolls to decorate the table. =) Have you seen http://www.shininglightdolls.com? I don’t remember seeing one for the Immaculate Conception, but they are adorable and definitely foster love for Mother Mary!
    Monica´s last blog post ..Small Success IN 7 Quick Takes


  2. Tracy Bua Smith
    8 December 2013 at 2:54 PM (11 years ago)

    Love your idea of a white meal for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception…I may just try that! I usually have my kids color a coloring page that Lacy at Catholic Icing made to emphasize what the feast of the Immaculate Conception is really about! Have a blessed Advent!
    Tracy Bua Smith´s last blog post ..Celebrating St. Nicholas Feast Day 2013!


  3. Christine
    8 December 2013 at 1:18 AM (11 years ago)

    Thanks for the reminder of how important this feast is (it’s a holy day of obligation too! at least in the US). Apparently, the Vatican put out a document (not sure of the title, but a friend mentioned it recently), saying that properly, December should be the “month of Mary”, rather than May.


  4. Mo
    7 December 2013 at 10:42 AM (11 years ago)

    I just love the idea of an all white meal! What a great idea…might have to start doing this!
    Mo´s last blog post ..Happy Feast of Saint Nicholas!


  5. Matthew
    5 December 2013 at 8:27 PM (11 years ago)

    It is a great point you make that the Immaculate Conception is the conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the whom of her mother, St. Anne. It is a great shame that Catholics are not all aware of this especially since this is a dogma of the Faith, required for us to believe for salvation, and we have a Holy Day of Obligation in its honor. I think this underscores our need to all spread this teaching far and wide for the honor of God.

    Great dinner ideas.
    Matthew´s last blog post ..Book Review: St. Edmund Campion Missal


  6. Sue Elvis
    4 December 2013 at 8:18 PM (11 years ago)


    I have to admit that we don’t really have any traditions to celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception, apart from renewing our consecrations to Jesus through Mary. But now I have some ideas. A white meal? That’s something we could do. Thank you for sharing!
    Sue Elvis´s last blog post ..Bring Christ to Others


  7. Joanne
    2 December 2013 at 10:49 PM (11 years ago)

    That’s really interesting about your white meal! I would have never have thought of anything like it. Maybe we will have to give it a try!


  8. Lauren @ JourneyLiving
    2 December 2013 at 10:19 PM (11 years ago)

    Those meals sound delicious, and I love your idea of using the gingerbread cake as a symbol of that passage! I’ve never really thought much about foods directly tied to scripture/liturgy/symbolism etc. but it makes so much sense!


  9. cyndi
    2 December 2013 at 2:23 PM (11 years ago)

    What a novel idea. A white meal for the feast day. I work in a parish and am in charge of the children’s faith formation programs. I bet I could adapt that white meal idea into a white snack idea!! Thanks!!!


    jen Reply:

    I’m glad it helped — not an original idea on my part, but I’m happy to share it!


10Pingbacks & Trackbacks on December Devotion – The Immaculate Conception

  1. […] Visit these who are hosting this blog link-up: Monica at http://www.equippingCatholicfamilies.com Erika at http://raisinglittlesaints.blogspot.ca/ Tina at http://trulyrichmom.com/ Laura at http://daybydayinourworld.com/ Sarah at http://onthewayhome2.com Chris at http://campfiresandcleats.blogspot.ca/ Birgit at http://designsbybirgit.blogspot.ca/   Blogs to visit: Equipping Catholic Families: Keep Christ in Christmas Simply Homeschool  Living Advent Series 12/1 – 12/25 Campfires and Cleats     How We Keep Christ in Christmas Fifth of Five        Keeping Christ in Christmas – Blog Link-up 2013 Coffee Moments with Sam         The Light of Hope Hand-Maid With Love: CHRISTmas Presence: Keep Christ in Christmas 2013 Edition Catholic Inspired: Faith-Centered Family Christmas Open Window   Making hay while the Advent wreath shines Sue Elvis Writes Bring Christ to Others Home to 4 Kiddos            Keep Christ in Christmas Faith Filled Freebies: Keep Christ in Christmas Em’s Estuary: Keeping Christ in Christmas Written by the Finger of God: Not Christmas as Usual On the Way Home:  Keep Christ in Christmas Happy Little Homemaker: December Devotion: Immaculate Conception  […]

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