I have to say that  while it’s a cause I support, I had trouble determining whether or not to actually get on board for God and everyone to see.    Hubby is pretty skeptical but supportive of my thoughts on food and health and I was pretty mainstream as a kid growing up.   We ate chicken or hot dogs for dinner.  Daily.   Had all the antibiotics & shots and did what everyone else did.

After I got pregnant the first time, I took a Bradley birthing class and learned about how much better for mom & baby Bradley birthing is (truly life threatening situations aside).   And that opened the door.  Suddenly, I was up to my neck in all sorts of alternative practices like nursing and co-sleeping and baby wearing and not vaccinating my kids.   Boy was I getting weird!   But it all felt right.

Then I started reading about plastics leaching chemicals and moved to glass and learned about estrogen mimickers in my meat and dairy.   And pesticides on my food and having to see a more holistic doctor to pinpoint my thyroid problem and it’s connection to my miscarriages.   Now I’m going to a Naturopath and I bought an organic CSA for this year.

I am, however, a very economic conservative.  The love of my life and I own a technology company in Northern MICHIGAN of all places (can you say crappy economy?) and are not opposed to making money and think the government should get out of, well, most everything.  Supporting anything in California goes against every fiber of my being on principal alone!

I look at the California Right to Know proposition as just that; the right to KNOW.  While it may not necessarily be economically friendly to make companies add extra stuff to their labels, they have to label all sorts of stuff anyway, so it’s just one more piece to fit in.   And in keeping with a free-market economy, CA isn’t banning GMO’s (yet; I’m not naive), but just requiring labeling.

Given that the health of the nation is on such a decline that my kids are likely to die sooner than *I* am, what everyone has been saying is safe, fine and acceptable is obviously not.    I don’t believe the government is working in our best interest and I’m all for letting the people decide if they want GMO’s in food and if they want to eat it.   And if you don’t know, you can’t decide.   I want freedom to decide.  I want freedom for you to decide.   And so I support the California Right To Know initiative about requiring GMO’s in food to be labeled.

You can sign up to be a blogger for the cause here.  You can also find out more about GMO’s in food at the following places:

Jen S.




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