All Saints Day is almost here and I’m excited to have so. many. good Saint stories to read to my children! I almost wish it fell during the week because I would be much more likely to get some special things done.

Saint Picture Book Club All Saints Day Book Collections Food Fun

Favorite Saint Stories for All Saints Day

For littlest saints in the making, my favorite picture book is An Alphabet of Saints. It’s great for the toddler/preschool set or homeschoolers doing a letter of the week type thing. Each letter of the alphabet has an illustration and a rhyming verse about the Saint. There is also a few sentences about the Saint to learn more. Very cute!


For preschool and early elementary, Saints for Boys and Saints for Girls are a beautiful addition to your home library. They are small, thin hardcover volumes that contain reprints of 11 old saint picture books. Saints for Boys and Saints for Girls are the epitome of living books about the saints! The stories are so well told that your children will probably easily remember these stories and Charlotte Mason homeschoolers will enjoy these.


Holy Crocodile is also a favorite. There are many Orthodox/Byzintine saint stories in this beautifully illustrated hardcover.  It’s a thin book, but has beautiful pen/ink illustrations about saints and the animals who helped them.  Go here for the full review of Holy Crocodile.

These last two are new books that we haven’t started reading together yet, but I snuck a peek at them when they came in ;).


The first is Around the Year Once Upon A Time Saints. There are 3 Once Upon a Time Saints books and this one is arranged by feast day throughout the year.  There are few pictures but the stories are engaging and well told. This is another set of living books to help you read through the liturgical year.


The final book is the newest in our collection. It is the Loyola Kids Book of Saints. What I like about this one is that the saints are grouped by type, like Saints who loved their family, or saints who changed their lives for God. The text is very conversational and leads the child to how to be more like that Saint. It will be a great reference for character training, I think. Again, no pictures, great for a read aloud.

Loyola also publishes the Kids Book of Heroes, which is an awesome set of stories of Catholics (saints or otherwise), arranged by how they exemplify one of the 7 virtues. AWESOME!  I can’t wait to find time to dig into it.  So many books, so little time!

All Saints Day Feasting & Fun

If you have never celebrated All Saints Day before, it falls on a Sunday this year making it super easy to get a plenary indulgence for a poor soul in purgatory! Go here to find out more.


All Saints Day Fun


  • NEW! Super Saints Cards @ Arma Dei   They printed up physical decks of these cards just in time for the World Meeting of Families in September. You can also get a PDF printable of them and she sent me a copy that are printing as I write this. I will be sharing a full review later–stay tuned!
  • NEW!  Saint Scripts 3 @ Arma Dei. I didn’t have time to do a full review on these, but I noticed she just released set 3! We have sets 1 & 2 and they are lovely. I laminated mine and put them in order by feast day on a key ring.  It’s like a saint of the day book that hangs in our kitchen and the kids look at them fairly regularly. If you are interested, but don’t have any she has a special launch bundle on all 3 sets!


Food for All Saints Day

Do you go all out for All Saints Day? What are your favorite traditions?

Jen S.

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