Everyone has heard that the song The 12 Days of Christmas was written to teach about 12 points of doctrine of the Catholic faith when it was outlawed in England. I wrote a post about 12 iPhone/iOS apps that are related to each of the 12 doctrines of the faith referred to in the song.
So I am just a little bit obsessed with the 12 Days of Christmas. I try really hard to make Advent, well , Advent, and so when Christmas comes, I want to milk it for all 12 days worth! That’s a lot of celebrating when everyone else is totally over it. I am always looking for things related to the 12 days of Christmas, both from the catholic liturgical calendar and from the song meanings tradition.
I would like to present the 12 Apps of Christmas, one for each of the 12 Days of Christmas. I would like to mention that while I found all these apps, I did not buy & install them all, so do your own research before purchasing them. My iPhone is old and full :).
Go read about all 12 iPhone apps at Catholic Mom.com!