I learned this trick from my midwife last month and it was so great I just had to share.

The key to making meconium messes manageable is…













olive oil.

Yep, olive oil.  After you are done wiping their little bottom clean, rub on a generous layer of olive oil.  When they have their next sticky nasty meconium poo, it will wipe right off.

So for your next birth, have a bottle of olive oil on hand.  You might need to smuggle it into the hospital, I don’t know, but that Works for Me!

Find more awesome tips at We are THAT Family!

4 Comments on WFMW – Meconium Messes Made Easy!

  1. LisaC
    12 January 2011 at 1:03 PM (14 years ago)

    OOO! Great tip. It came at just the right time for me. At my hospital they use vaseline, and I want a non-petroleum based product for long-term use. Those are expensive, especially considering how much you need to use. Olive oil will be the perfect solution for me. Now if the baby would just come…


    jen Reply:

    Congrats on the baby…did you try it?


    LisaC Reply:

    The olive oil has been helping with her dry skin too. The mineral oil aggravated her baby acne, but the olive oil doesn’t!


    jen Reply:

    that’s awesome! I’m sure my midwife will be tickled to know she has more reach than just her patients :). Congrats, BTW!

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