With the onset of fall, I somehow became mired in a knee-depth depression.  Nothing major but annoying and de-motivating, nonetheless.   During this wonderful time, I managed to gain 10 lbs.   I, frankly, do not have the desire/motivation to do this on my own and I am also being pretty cheap and lazy lately.   I’ve decided to try to get some accountability.   Usually, I get on message boards and the people who offer to be my motivation buddies are even less motivated and available than myself, which is pretty bad. Ditto for the women I know in my hometown.

That being said, I’ve decided to join a group that will help me be accountable, not only for my eating/weight, but also for my prayer & bible study time which I haven’t made time for, but I’ve been wanting since this fall, also.  First Place is the name of the program and since I don’t want to join any of my local groups, I’m joining it via outlookministry.net.  The next group is starting tomorrow and I’m hoping that the accountability will require me to at least do the things that I just can’t seem to make myself do.   We’ll see how it works….

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