05 – Homemaking

7 QuickTakes #1

–1– Everyone who has children should have Infant/Child CPR. Seriously, it should be “required”, like childbirth classes & slings. Less for the CPR & more for the choking. If we were to average the class cost as a per use charge, we are at less than $1/use. She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. I swear […] Read more…

Lincoln Financial Group…

…is SOOOO behind the times.   They send a statement for our Life insurance policy due in about 2 weeks.   I pay nothing by check.   Everything is auto-debit.   I called today to make the payment because I couldn’t login to the website so i could make a payment.    Turns out they DON’T TAKE PHONE OR ONLINE […] Read more…

Thrifty Thursdays – Recipes

This was originally posted at another blog of mine (www.motheringtc.com) that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. Today’s thrifty post is another kitchen post…it’s the thing which I have the hardest time controlling & the most […] Read more…

I’m baaaack…

This was originally posted at another blog of mine (www.motheringtc.com) that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. Happy Halloween! I wish I could say I had a good excuse for my long absence, but I don’t. […] Read more…

Money Monday – Homemade Taco Hamburger Helper

This was originally posted at another blog of mine (www.motheringtc.com) that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. Money Mondays is moving to Thrifty Thursday. Due to obligations on Mondays, I just don’t have time to write/post. […] Read more…


This was originally posted at another blog of mine (www.motheringtc.com) that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. Over the summer, I have driven past several places who were moving or remodeling who had to buy dumpsters […] Read more…

Money Monday – Link Love Edition

This was originally posted at another blog of mine (www.motheringtc.com) that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. This week is going to be a link love edition of Money Monday. Here are some of my favorite […] Read more…

Bradley Teacher class delayed

This was originally posted at another blog of mine (www.motheringtc.com) that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. Due to my husband and daughter getting sick (along with various other circumstances), I am postponing my Bradley Teacher […] Read more…

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