A few years ago I created a list of 100 things to do in summer. This year I decided to do it a little differently. Here are 26 prompts for things to do this summer with your family from A to Z.


Art. Messy art. Take your little artists outside to paint or use glitter or playdoh. And then hose off the mess when you are done. Or make chalk paintings on the sidewalk.

Beach day at the Dunes. If you aren’t near a body of water that you can swim in, make it a pool day!

Constellation class. Grab a book. Or an app. Spend an evening star-gazing. Or watch the meteor showers in August. It will be worth the trip into the country, I promise!

Drive In Movie night. Is there one near you? If not, make your own or find out if there’s a movie in the park.

Exercise some restraint, but make it a game. Pick a day and see how much fun you can have without spending anything. Or set a budget of $5/pp or less. We would brown bag lunch, find an unusual (& free) activity, go to a park or the library, get a $0.75 kiddie cone from the ice cream place and pick up some fried chicken to take to the beach for an evening swim. How much fun can you have with no $$?

Free Slurpie Day at 7-11 (July 11)


Grill it up! Go cook something on a grill. Chicken, brats, burgers, dogs, hobos, ribs…sky’s the limit! Extend your budget a bit & include some special treats you don’t normally buy.

Hiking–or biking works, too. Pick a day to hit those trails!

Ice Cream at Bordon’s–a TC Tradition since 1950. Pick your favorite ice cream shop. Or better yet, make your own!   If you are game, National Ice Cream Day is July 20.

Just do it! Take a spontaneous day off, pack a lunch and spend the day somewhere you’ve never been before. Be a tourist in your own town or go to a neighboring tourist trap :). Pick a new park, beach, river or town. We’ve had some great fun doing this including an unexpected parade & lumberjack show!

Kayak. Or canoe, sailboat or party barge. Even a rowboat will do :). Find a body of water, rent a boat and hang out on the water.

Lemonade. Fresh, homemade & on ice. Check out my favorite lemonade recipe!

Miniature Golf is fun for all ages. Break into teams and play scramble-style, if its crazy busy. Even my 2 year old loved it last year!


Nautical Festival with the family. Check out a nearby festival you haven’t attended before if your own town doesn’t have one.

Orchard hop. Check out some of the orchards nearby. If you are not a fan of tree fruits, check out berries instead. You pick or just stop at the stand…I won’t judge ;).

Plan a family project. This year, we are reworking the backyard, moving & reengineering the swingset and adding more creative play & exploration spaces. What can your family accomplish together?

Quack up! Declare a joke, pun or even riddle day. Just because there is no school, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stretch your brain muscles, too :).

Run. Or walk or bike. Or play softball, basketball or croquet. But get outside & do something together!

Strawberry shortcake for dessert!  June 13, is National Strawberry Shortcake Day!

Thunderstorm. Next time there is a thunderstorm, turn off the lights and open the windows & doors. Listen to the rain & thunder and watch the lightening. No storms this time of year in your neck of the woods? Go dancing in the rain & jump in puddles.

Unwind. They aren’t fondly referred to as the dog days of summer for nothing! Reserve the right to declare it a day to unwind and ignore work obligations, relax, nap, read and order a pizza.

Visit with friends and family you rarely see.

Water fun for all! Fill a pool, some squirt guns or water balloons and get wet on a hot day!

X-treme Sports. Have everyone practice a trick to share with the others on extreme sports day. Jump rope tricks, gymnastics, rollerblade or bike tricks all work for me!

Yes. Just say yes. Make it a point to say yes to one crazy thing each week — build some memories!

Zzzzzz. Don’t forget to sleep, too. A nap in a hammock or camp out in your backyard listening to the crickets.


What is your favorite summer activity?

Jen S.




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