rubber gloves
Image by Leah Lockhart Rogers via Flickr


There, I said it.  That’s the first step, right? Admitting you have a problem? And I’ll tell you why. Once upon a time there was a little girl with no friends who liked to write. A Lot. And wanted to write books. Mom’s ancient old 1970’s typewriter was waaaaay to hard to type on. Those keys were hard to push down!

So the little girl asked her daddy for a new typewriter. It was fancy with tons of bells & whistles for about $120. “Sure,” said the shrewd old man. “You just have to do all the dishes for a whole year.” He even wrote up a contract.

I made an average of $0.10 per day doing dishes and hate them to this day. Oh and the other piece of the absurdity is that he also promised that when I could type 100 wpm, he would buy me a computer. Y’all, I have been typing for 10+ YEARS and still haven’t hit that!

Anyway, the point of this whole sordid tale is that after 5 months of doing dishes by hand, my FIL (bless him) fixed our dishwasher. — A 5 year old $500 LG that we replaced 3 parts on before he got it. You know what it was? Poor design; the coating on the wires got crunched in the door & were shorting out — And I ran 4 loads in 2 days to catch up. And as much as I hate dishes, I’m not sure if it’s better. Isn’t that weird?

Do you have a preference for dish washing?

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