WFMW – Cleaning the Microwave

There is nothing worse than having an explosion of something in your microwave, especially after you’ve let it fester and harden and bake on for another month or two.   Yeah, been there, done that. Even the baked bean explosion of 2009 is no match for this quick and easy way to clean the microwave. Fill […] Read more…

WFMW – Stinky Garbage Disposal

I am terrible about my garbage disposal.   I’ve never had one before and do a terrible job on upkeep.    To keep your garbage disposal from getting smelly, NEVER put meat or grease down it.    I don’t think it breaks down as easily.    Also, after you use it, be sure to run a good amount of […] Read more…

WFMW – Reducing Waste

I’ve been reading Stephanie’s @ Keeper of the Home‘s e-book Healthy Homemaking.    I’ve really not skimmed the whole thing yet which is kind of surprising because that’s pretty much my style…skim then re-read SLOWLY.    Anyway, I’m spending a lot of time on this first baby step because between reading a bunch of books (including Animal, […] Read more…

Works for Me Wednesday – Window Cleaning

I’m excited to be participating in WFMW…I’ve been reading everyone else’s tips for a while but never felt I had anything to contribute.   Until last week.     OMG Y’all, (sorry, DH informs me that as a native Michigander, I can’t say that).   Anyway, I found a FAB way to clean my windows.    DD has been wanting […] Read more…

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