The Green File

Cloth Pantyliner Reviews

So back in the day when I decided to have two websites, I purchased a bunch of cloth reusable pantyliners off Etsy to review.  That was TWO years ago.  I guess I can write a pretty good review of them now, eh?  Unfortunately, one is no longer available! I bought a custom set of 4 […] Read more…

Cloth Diaper Wipes – Single-Layered {The Green File}

This was originally posted on another blog of mine (Happy Homemaker Reviews).   I consolidated them to continue to simplify my life.   – Jen  (04.2012) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~   There are several different options for cloth diaper wipes, single-layered, double-layered, minky, bamboo velour, flannel, terry…   You could use anything you wanted, really.   Last week, I introduced you all […] Read more…