We are having some major issues revolving around sleep, eating and our nearly 2 year old at our house causing major havoc on EVERYTHING.  School isn’t getting done, housework is barely done, blogging is sparse or short.   Basically, she doesn’t want to eat anything good.  Except fruit.  At 3 am.   She isn’t sleeping well at night but will sleep three hours dead to the world in the middle of the day.   So what does that have to do with getting fit and healthy?   Well, sleep.  Or lack thereof, is a major contributor to my dismal results on my goals for this week.



Every single night, I went to bed with the assumption that I would get up and FINALLY get to exercise the next day.  Every night was an unmitigated disaster and so I dropped exercise in favor of sleeping when she finally went to sleep at 6am.   I need like 9 hours so 4 hours = cranky mama.  Not good.

Run/Cardio: 0 of 3

Strength : 0 of 2

Abs : none



I didn’t do too bad on this.  I ate fruit or vegetables every single day, I think, which is a far cry from only remembering occasionally!   I even ate a bunch of salads.   I have 4 squashes sitting on my counter begging to be cooked.  YUM!

Fruit/Veggies:  every day!!

Juice: 2  –It’s apple season.  We bought one ($8!!) gallon of apple cider which I will savor until it’s gone because I’m not buying more at that price :).

Pop: 0 over goal

Choices over water:  just the apple cider 🙂

Eating Out: same as goal


Overall Goals



Challenge Start Weight: 160 lbs

Week Start Weight: 159 lbs

Week End Weight: 157.5 lbs

Week gain/loss:  -1.5 lbs

Total gain/loss:  -2.5 lbs

Now, you might think that I did well considering I had a drop on the scale.  The problem I have with it is that I did NO exercise for 2 weeks running now and I’m down 1.5 lbs.   I’m pretty sure that means I’m losing muscle mass, NOT fat.   And I’m feeling breathless and out of shape, which is even worse!

We are trying a new routine to get the little one to sleep better, or at the very least, wake us up less.  We are doing several things and if they work, I will share them :).  So hopefully, my habits will look better next week.
Come check out all the ladies participating in the Get Healthy & Fit Challenge at Sidetracked Sarah’s!

Jen S.


2 Comments on Completely At A Loss {Get Healthy & Fit}

  1. Laurie
    8 October 2012 at 4:22 PM (12 years ago)

    But, look at your successes!
    Even with a hard week, you’ve made good choices and even lost some weight.

    I think the key to getting fit and healthy is fitting that into real life. You are doing just that.

    Keep on keepin’ on. You’re doing it!


    jen Reply:

    Awww. Thanks! Sometimes I think that the only reason I get the urge to take on these challenges is to be an example of keeping on the horse. Eventually, things will go in the direction you are aiming for. But man, does a lot get in the way!


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