This was originally posted at another blog of mine that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09.

I apologize for the delay in these posts. I wish I could say that I had a good reason but I don’t.

Anyway, here are the blessings for those who DO say Rosaries:

1. Sinners are forgiven.
2. Souls that thirst are refreshed.
3. Those who are fettered have their bonds broken.
4. Those who weep find happiness
5. Those who are tempted find peace.
6. The poor find help.
7. Religious are reformed.
8. Those who are ignorant are instructed.
9. The living learn to overcome pride.
10. The dead (the Holy Souls) have their pains eased by suffrages

And the memorization piece for the next 5 days are the Glorious Mysteries. It is customary to say them on Wednesday & Saturday.

1. The Resurrection
2. The Ascension.
3. The descent of the Holy Spirit.
4. The assumption of our Lady into heaven.
5. The coronation of our Lady.

The next post will be about the indulgences that can be gained by saying the Rosary & the Glory Be & Fatima prayer.

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