
USE IT UP – Last month, I decided to not get a new Christmas tree even though I want one.  It’s old.  It’s fiber optic (I’d like something a little more traditional at this point).  The branches don’t hold ornaments that are heavy.  At all.  Not only did I decide not to get a new one this year, I decided not to get one in the Christmas clearance for next year either.   We will be using this again next Christmas.  That’s kind of a big deal for me because I’ve been looking forward to getting a new one all year.

WEAR IT OUT – I also had some pants actually wear out.  I have not worn out a pair of jeans in 20 years!   And these were like $17.00 Walmart hoochie mama jeans that I bought at least 5 years ago.   But I still wear them, holes in the knees, hems walked off and all.  When they split at the seams, though, I’m done.  Any ideas for what to do with the rest of the fabric when they bite it?

I also need some help.  Does anyone have any idea of what I can do with 17 jars of strawberry & strawberry-rhubarb jam that didn’t set?  Besides put it on ice cream?   HELP!

How have you been a good steward so far  this year?   Link up with MckLinky or leave a message in the comments below!

0 comment on Use It Up #1

  1. Amanda
    7 January 2010 at 12:01 PM (14 years ago)

    Well as for the jeans, I have a lap quilt that is old jeans cut in squares on one side and old flannel pajamas and flannel remnants on the other side, I will show you when we get to MI, makes a very heavy duty blanket, maybe good for camping? As for the jelly I have two ideas, both very similar. One, use them as stir ins for oatmeal, I love stirring fruit and/or applesauce in with oatmeal. The other is buy a giant tub of PLAIN yogurt and stir in a jar or two with that, it sweetens the tangy plain yogurt and I think it tastes better than the blended fruit yogurts. I used to do this all the time with jelly and yogurt, it won’t matter much if the jelly is set or not but you could pour off all the whey from the yogurt if you are worried about it getting too runny.
    Just asked Rob and he said smoothies or pie.
    Oh you could stir it into jello too and have fruity jello. My mom used to do that with canned fruit.


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