I am one of those mom’s who is all about multitasking. Not necessarily doing multiple things at once, but doing ONE thing that has multiple benefits. That’s why I LOVE reading! It’s educational, conversational, family snuggle time. S is for Smiling Sunrise is one of those books that we can all curl up with together and talk about.
About WordsBright
WordsBright is an independent publisher whose goal is to create children’s books that are fun and educational, as well as working toward health and happiness. S is for Smiling Sunrise is their first book. In addition to the hardcover book, there are also several freebies you can get on their website — an MP3 of the Alphabet Song, which is the book set to music, a PreK parent printable, a K-3 Teacher printable guide and even a poster of one of the pages of the book.
How We Used S is for Smiling Sunrise
We added S is for Smiling Sunrise to my normal mommy book pile and read it several times a week. My kids have a lot of leeway in what we read to them, but there are always books that *I* choose to read and I intersperse them in between their picks. Sometimes they are review and sometimes they are not.
We read it both with and without the MP3 playing, but they liked it better with the CD or being sung. In fact, I’m not allowed to NOT sing it now that they know the tune :). If your kids are musical, this is great opportunity to incorporate some rhythm instruments to it. In fact, I’m pretty sure I hear some rice shaker/maracas in the instrumental pauses between segments.
My ONLY trouble with it is that the MP3 is made to play/sing with the book, but I wish it had a page turn cue. I grew up with the whole record/cassette tape and book thing :). It would be handy to have.
If you have a preschooler or kindergartner in the house + older kids and do a letter of the week type thing, this would be a great alternative to reading the same alphabet books over and over and over again.
The illustrations are colorful and attractive and the subjects can lead to some great discussion with older kids. The text is easy to read aloud and has a good rhythm to it.
Check out what other members of the crew thought about S is for Smiling Sunrise!