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I have to apologize for not getting a picture book post up last month. We have had every single disease that was going around during March and April. We had a rotavirus-type disease for 2 weeks, than the oldest (who escaped the above disease) got a HORRID cold virus of some sort and was out for a week. We had 4 good days before the whole house — hubs and I included — had a norovirus type bug. Obviously, blogging at such a time is at the bottom of the to-do list :).
This month, though, I am sharing a beautiful book about St. Joan of Arc, whose feast day is May 30. While I try to pick a picture book each month whose contents are appropriate for all ages, Joan of Arc is really directed at an older child. I would say 5 – 12, perhaps. This is due to the VERY large text to picture ratio.
My 4-1/2 year old has really been enjoying the story even though it is very wordy. We have been reading about 2-3 pages per sitting and she is loving every minute of it. I think you will really enjoy it!
As always, I strive to make this picture book club an easy way to live the liturgical year by purchasing a quality book that is easily available and eligible for Amazon Prime’s 2-day shipping. Come back during the last week of May to see a full review of Joan of Arc plus 1-2 of the other books I purchased. I will share ideas for extra credit (if you have time) and invite you to share any favorites you have as well.
See you in a few weeks!