Seriously, I almost forgot to weigh myself again.  My week is going to be so incredibly busy, especially since I have TWO WEEKS of laundry to do.   We are also getting back into school after being out of the swing of things for two weeks and adding history in.   Since I was out of town or traveling for an entire week, I think it went pretty well.



I didn’t expect to get any formal exercise done without hubby being available or a (free) gym handy in my hotel.   I did a bunch of walking and carrying the 2yo around as we went through New Orleans and the airports, though!

Run/Cardio: 0 of 3

Strength : 0 of 2

Abs : none



Being downtown NOLA without a car and two small children makes it really hard to find healthy food.   Forget about it being affordable.   I finally shelled out $2 each for an apples and two oranges from the “kitchen” downstairs for the girls.   I had hoped to try the French Market/Farmers Market but due to wardrobe malfunctions with the 2yo, we had to go back to the hotel.   I think I ate some veggies/fruits but I KNOW I ate them when we returned — I had 2 weeks worth of CSA to eat!

There were also multiple days where I had gotten a pop because it came with whatever I was eating, but I didn’t come close to drinking even a can’s worth for all those different cups.  What a waste, when all I really wanted was a big cup of ice water!

Fruit/Veggies:  2+ days

Juice: 0

Pop: ? over goal

Choices over water: 1

Eating Out: daily


Overall Goals



Challenge Start Weight: 160

Week Start Weight: 159

Week End Weight: 159

Total gain/loss:  0

I’m actually quite pleased with that. It cannot be good to eat out every. single. meal. Usually we have SOME food we prepare on our own but with air travel and no car, it’s not like we can just drive to a grocery store.   Besides, you almost never see one in a downtown area anyway.

This week, I’m hoping to be back on track with some yummy fruits and veggies and salads galore.   And less pop.    Yeah for yummy Michigan water!!

Come check out all the ladies participating in the Get Healthy & Fit Challenge at Sidetracked Sarah’s!

Jen S.


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