This was originally posted on another blog of mine (Happy Homemaker Reviews).   I consolidated them to continue to simplify my life.   – Jen  (04.2012)


We are a beach-going family and last summer we had the whole deal down and would spend all day at the beach.  Here are OUR top 5 beach going tips:

1.  Baby Powder

The best beach tip I ever got was to take some baby powder with me.   You can use it to get sand off little wet bottoms or your feet before you get dressed or get in your car.   It works fabulously!

2.  Snacks and Drinks

Always take snacks and drinks.   In the city you might have places to eat and drink close by, but in the country (i.e. northern Michigan) that isn’t usually the case.   We love Pringles (the can keeps them from breaking), animal crackers and granola bars (non-chocolate if you please).   We also love our large drink cooler to keep water cold.

3.  Get the gear.

If you love going to the beach, get the gear that will make it enjoyable.   Last year, we purchased two LOW sitting canvas beach chairs that go in a bag.  LOVED them.  They made the beach experience WAY better.   We also figured out how best to use our beach umbrella and I’d love to get a beach tent/shelter for this year now that we have a baby.

4.   Sun Protection.

Nothing ruins your time at the beach than getting fried.  Get the things you need to keep you and your kids from being burnt to a crisp.  If that means long-sleeved rash guards and big hats, cool.  If that means Coppertone(TM), fine.   Do whatever you are comfortable with–if you’d like another option, check out Katie’s post on natural sunscreens.

5.  Have a list!

Half the battle of being able to take advantage of opportunities is being prepared!   Here is our list:

Beach PL

Have anything we should add to the list?  Let me know and I’ll change it!

Jen S.



This post will be linked to Works for Me Wednesday @ We Are THAT Family.

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