This week is kind another kind of heavy week as far as thinking and pondering your life path and priorities.   In previous weeks, we have covered taking back your time, family mission statements and personal mission statements.  This week, we are going to talk about making house rules.

There are two reasons for this.  First, making house rules is a great first step in picking your battles.   You can’t fight about EVERYTHING, so these should be things worth picking fights over.  The second is, there are some super cute projects on the web that I wanted to share :).

You have your personal and family mission statements and it’s not hard to pick out your house rules as the detail of how your mission works.  Here is ours:

Thank God for this day, this family & this home.
Obey the first time.
Husband, love your wife.  Wife, support your husband.
Say grace.  Be thankful.  Eat together.  Clean up after yourself.
Have fun.  Be kind.  Ask first.  No fussing.  No whining.
Sing silly.  Dance crazy.  Laugh often.  Hug more.
Use your manners.  Yes, please.  No, thank you.
Resolve conflict daily.
Cheerfully serve others.
Give love, grace & mercy.
Too much tv is bad.  Too much reading is good.
Use nice words.  Ignore dirty ones.
Work hard.  Pray harder.
You’ve heard the expression, “Is this the hill you want to die on?”   Well, for our family, these are the things that are so important they should be addressed/lovingly corrected EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.   Other things I try not to nitpick about.  If I need to teach or model or whatever a new skill that’s one thing — these are a whole other beast.
So think about your hills.  What qualities do you want your child to have when he or she leaves home?   What qualities do you want your child’s future spouse to be glad you taught him/her?   What character traits do you value most in your family?   For us, this was the easiest one to do!
And once you’ve written them, keep them posted!  Here are some awesome examples I’ve seen on the web:
Are these not cool?   So many ideas, so little time…
Have you made rules for your home?  Do you display them?

Next week, we will take a break (for this series) for Memorial Day. See you in June!

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