The Last Supper of Jesus Christ
Image via Wikipedia


If you missed it, check out Part I, Part II and Part III.


So let’s talk about the Last Supper, the Passover Seder.   There are 4 courses to the Passover Seder.

The preliminary course consists of 2 pieces.   First, the festival blessing, a kadush prayer, a dish of bitter herbs (symbolizing the bitter bondage of slavery), and the first cup of wine.   Second, they recite Exodus 12 and a narrative q&a, sing Psalm 113 (little Hallel) and drink of the second cup of wine.

The main course consists of 2 pieces as well.   First was eating the lamb and unleavened bread and drinking the third cup of wine.    And to finish, the sing the Great Hallel (Psalm 114-118) and drink the final and fourth cup.   Yep, all that to get to anything referring to the fourth cup.  It’s worth it, I swear.

At the Last Supper, they are eating the Passover dinner and are working on the main course (Mark 14:22 and 1 Corinthians 10:16, support this).   But Jesus kind of cuts it off.  He doesn’t finish the meal!   Mark 14:24-26 says,

This is my blood of the[c] covenant, which is poured out for many,” he said to them. 25 “Truly I tell you, I will not drink again from the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.”

26 When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.

So they all drank the third cup, sang the great Hallel and then left.  He never drank of the forth cup.    Later, in the garden (Mark 14:36), he says:

36 “Abba,[f] Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”

In those days, the nation of Israel was split into two nations, Israel & Judah.   When they were driven out of Israel, they were sent to Assyria, Babylon & Egypt.   Each year, though, they were to return to Jerusalem for the Passover.

On the 10th day of the month of Passover, the sacrificial flock was brought to Jerusalem.   That is also the day that Jesus entered the down.   On the 14th day of the month of Passover, the lambs for sacrifice were inspected.  This is the day that Jesus was arrested and inspected by Pilate and found to be unblemished (Matthew 27:24).   On the sixth hour of that 14th day, the lambs were sent for sacrifice and Pilate send out Jesus to be crucified.

Instead, they freed Barabas, whose name means “son of the father.”  They set the false “son of the father” free and killed the real “son of the father.”     Also, when the soldiers were casting lots for his clothing (in fulfillment of the prophesy), he was wearing a katone, which was the garment that a priest wore when offering the passover lamb.   Jesus was both priest and lamb.

While he was hanging on the cross, he said few things as it was painful and took much effort.   Several times, he refused wine & drink, but on the cross, he said, “I thirst.”   And he was passed up wine on a hyssop branch (do you remember reading about that already?).   And he drank it, completing the Seder meal, completely transforming it into the Real Presence in the Eucharist.

So go to Holy Thursday services tonight :).   I hope that this information will help you to experience it more deeply than ever before.


For more information, check out these sites:

Scott Hahn:  The Fourth Cup

The 4th Cup and the Lamb of God


Again, any mistakes are purely mine, but I think I’ve gotten enough of it right to make it worthwhile.   If you see anything wrong, let me know and I’ll try to fix it.


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