
It’s only SORT OF a read-aloud buy my daughter is in love!   With who?   Waldo!!!   Yes, the books that were such a craze when i was in elementary school/jr high that I was never able to get my hands on one.


I found the original (above) at a used book sale a few years back.  In fact, I found two and bought them both.   I also got Where’s Waldo in Hollywood. (below).


While cleaning out the basement, I found the one *I* had purchased in elementary school — Find Waldo Now.    It was the second one published and apparently rare as all get out.  I think I got it through those stupid book fliers they send home.   I can’t even find a pic, not on Amazon, BN or half.com/Ebay!   It’s the red one.

Anyway, Lil Bit LOVES these.  She walks around asking for Waldo and can even find him in some of the pages and she’s less than two.  And me?   Yeah, I STILL can’t get my hands on them to look for Waldo and all the stuff.  Sigh.

Not really great READING books, but excellent to look at for kids and lots of things to talk about.

See what every one is reading to their little ones at Hope is the Word!

0 comment on Read-Aloud Thursday- Waldo

  1. Janet
    22 October 2009 at 8:36 PM (15 years ago)

    That’s so cool. Isn’t it amazing how our kids pick up on what we loved?


  2. Amy @ Hope Is the Word
    22 October 2009 at 3:33 PM (15 years ago)

    Ah, yes, Waldo. He was ALL the rage among the 3rd grade boys when I was a librarian in an elementary school. The boys would practically fight over the few copies we had.

    I can see how this would be especially appealing to a two year old, too, though.

    So glad you played this week!


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