
I first heard about the 30-Day Giving Challenge on Twitter from @mommysnacks@KingdomFirstMom is hosting it and essentially, the  idea is that you write down everytime you feel called to give or do more than you would otherwise do or WANT to do.   Also keep track of all that you RECEIVE!   Odds are, you will be immeasurably rewarded for your generosity.   At the very least, it will foster a sense of gratitude.

You can give big or small; whatever you are called or are able to do.  My goals?   To give more of myself.   I’m finding myself spending lots of time online again, dorking around and neglecting my family.   At the VERY least I need to set guidelines & think of stuff to do in this cold, boring time of year.

I am going to start on Lil Bit’s homeschool materials.  While this might sound like more busy work on my part, it’s more of ideas and guidance for quality playtime with her.   I will also try to come up with evening ideas for things we can do as a family.   Anyone have ideas for fun, indoor things to do with someone less than 2 when they are your only?

I’m also going to try to spend more time and attention with Bones in ways meaningful to HIM.    Monetarily, we don’t  have a ton of extra, but we can probably squeeze out a little more than we do.   I’ve fallen off my donation/offering wagon and need to get back on it.  I’m going to take better care to get the easy free or nearly free items that I can get with coupons and give them to my church’s food pantry.   I would also like to catch up by making some generous contributions to some of our pet charities.

Giving more Works for Me!   Find out what works for others at We Are THAT Family.

Want to join in?   Go to Kingdom First Mom’s blog to join in the challenge.

0 comment on 30-Day Giving Challenge

  1. niki
    5 November 2009 at 10:49 AM (14 years ago)

    Blessings to you! I just joined in on the challenge. It feels so good!



  2. Alyssa @ Keeping the Kingdom First
    28 October 2009 at 10:59 AM (14 years ago)

    Thank you for helping to spread the word! I think your goal is perfect. Giving meaningful time to our children is so important!

    One thing my 2 year old always enjoyed was cooking with Mom. Sure, it makes a mess, but the time is so worth it!


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