This was originally posted at another blog of mine ( that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09.

How often are you out with your children without having your personal info on your person? Did you leave your purse in your car? Even if you had your phone, how does someone know who your emergency contact is in your contact list?

I found a product in a fitness magazine called RoadID.

Designed for runners (who aren’t carrying their purses either :D), this product has your vital information on it so that if something happens, emergency personnel can get essential information. You can get a static version, where all the information you want is on the ID itself (up to 6 lines) or an interactive version like the one pictured. In the interactive version, you get to personalize the first two lines and the bottom 4 tell how to retrieve information.

So why am I telling you this when you might not be a runner? How valuable would it be to have this on while with your kids at a playground? Or going for a walk? Say you get hit by a car or have a medical emergency when you are with your small children. With the interactive version, you can not only say who you are, but can put information about your children, your emergency contact, allergies, etc.

I just purchased an interactive wrist band because you can put in multiple addresses (we go to Florida for a few months in the winter/spring), you can put in temporary notes (like, we are in vacation in Dallas from May 4 – May 10) or whatever you want. To see what you can put in your interactive profile, visit and view the interactive ID demo. Very cool stuff.

The RoadID comes in various forms: dog tags (called FIXX), ankle band, wrist band, and shoe tag. It also comes in various colors (depending on form desired) — black, red, blue, yellow, pink, and purple. I got the purple because I figured it would go with most everything I own and not be so manly, like black.

This review has not been requested by RoadID or any marketing company and I am not yet an affiliate. However, I have just ordered one and now that the weather is (FINALLY!) nice enough to take my lovely daughter out for walks and to the playground, I felt it was a $20.00 insurance policy against potential disaster. If you like this and order one, feel free to let them know you’d like to see children’s products — I did :).

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