This was originally posted at another blog of mine ( that I have deleted. I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life. Jen – 6/13/09.
A few weeks ago, I was ranting about people wanting to feed your kids. I really wanted to exclusively breastfeed for at least a year. We’ve been letting her “eat” (AKA gnaw on) carrots, peas, strawberries (until we found out that we shouldn’t), and apples. This last week or so, she has been absolutely unbearable when we don’t share what we are eating. Reluctantly, today at the ripe old age of 7 mos 10 days, I gave her a little butternut squash. She LOVED it. She wanted more so bad that we had trouble getting her to relinquish the spoon. She had about 1-2 Tablespoons of it!
As if she knew, a good friend of mine loaned me a book called Feeding The Whole Family. There are some great recipes in there using some unusual and vitamin-filled foods. The book also kind of turns the food pyramid on it’s side. I don’t know if I’ll completely adopt everything, but I’ll definitely take part of it to modify our home.
We were also given the So Easy Baby Food Kit by some friends of ours when she was born. I had read that book several months ago. It has some great charts on what to introduce when and even has a kind of a scrapbook thing for firsts related to food. The best part about the book in the kit is that it is spiral-bound, so it lays flat on the counter. It has ideas for mixing foods and even adding herbs/spices as they get older.
There are also great sites online where you can find info about making your own baby food.
Wholesome Baby Food
Fresh Baby (makers of the So Easy Baby Food Kit)
What are your favorite recipes? Any tips on making or storing foods? Leave a comment to share what you know!
17 September 2008 at 9:34 PM (16 years ago)Around 6 months my son started wanting what we were eating, too. I spent about 6 weeks making baby food (pureed squash, peas, carrots, yams) for him…I froze the purees in ice cube trays, which worked really well for portioning. I could just defrost a couple for each meal. Soon he insisted on feeding himself, however, which doesn’t work well with purees! So we moved into Baby Led Solids and I just gave him softer things with ‘handles’ (brocolli, sticks of cooked carrots, and shredded cheese and chicken).